Monday, April 27, 2015

Quick Write

  • If society is not convinced with my argument the consequences would be that the people will be trying to scam each other.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Introducing Your Claim

Quick Write

My Claim is, Is it wrong to manipulate a crowd for your own purposes.

Quick Write 4/23/15:
To start my intro and more information.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Staking Your Claim

Crowds can be manipulated. For example Adolf Hitler, and Martin Luther King.


I believe my my claim matters and is it important to argue this topic because being manipulated is wrong but at times for the good purposes. For instance, Martin Luther King manipulated the crowd for a good purpose so he can abolish hate and establish peace, Adolf Hitler on the other hand did the opposite. He manipulated people to hate other people and kill.