Monday, June 1, 2015

Quick Write 6/1/15

When I was at my friends house they were playing their kind of music then I put my music on and it was different from theirs and they didn't like it but I told them I didnt care.

Friday, May 1, 2015

The last time I was apart of a big crowd was at a party. It made me feel like nervous and claustrophobic  because there was over 100 people and it was very tight.

Quick Write 2

I don't believe it is right to manipulate a crowd for your own purpose, because at the end of the day they could be doing something  bad and doing something they shouldn't be doing but you put in their mind that they are doing something good and its right what they did or do.

Quick Write 3

I agree then disagree with this quote because some people would rush towards the crowd and some people would avoid it.

Final Reflection 

      Crowds are manipulated for a bad purposes because the  people who are being manipulated think that who ever is manipulating them which is the speaker is right. And what the speaker is going to do is for the greater good. A speaker that has manipulated a crowd for a bad purpose was Adolf Hitler.  Hitler  was telling the crowd which was all young boys. He was telling them, manipulating them by saying that there would be no class division, meaning everyone is equal and how he wants peace and mostly saying that the youth will be the future of Germany. 
       Conformity and the power of the crowd  differ from each other because 

About Me

My name is Jaida and I go to Crotona Academy. I'm very quiet and independent. I live in the Bronx. I was born in California. I like to write poetry and I like to stay active. What I want to learn from this class is something I can use in the future.

Quick Write

Following orders could be a sign of weakness and sometimes its a sign of obedience and discipline 

because you could be following orders that are not good for you and its a sign of discipline and obedience because  kids follow orders of there parents for there own good and to learn in life and so in school with teachers.

Girls and expectations (and boys too)

  1. The narrator is most likely the mother and is speaking to Jamaica. In the poem the narrator was telling someone to do something.
  2. "This is how you sweep a corner", "This is how you set a table for tea."She gives these instructions so she can become a women and be more lady like.
  3. "but I don't sing henna on Sundays at all and never in Sunday school. They are in attics because jamaican is talk

Monday, April 27, 2015

Quick Write

  • If society is not convinced with my argument the consequences would be that the people will be trying to scam each other.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Introducing Your Claim

Quick Write

My Claim is, Is it wrong to manipulate a crowd for your own purposes.

Quick Write 4/23/15:
To start my intro and more information.